Friday, July 29, 2011

The American Congress Spectacle Is Disgraceful

I am so distressed about the tragedy playing out in Washington last night and today that I wonder whether words can do it justice.
That 500 people could be so stubborn, so unbending, so unfeeling, so unpatriotic as to put their personal or party agendas before the future of their country is impossible to understand. It rings of treason.
I hope no one sitting in Congress now ever says he or she is a patriotic American, because they have forfeited that honor forever. I hope they never ask anyone to help them be re-elected because that would violate all that American democracy stands for.
The fate of the nation is not tied to one debt ceiling or to one attempt to control budgets. It is tied to the ideals and hopes and dreams of all Americans, past and present, who have worked and sacrificed and fought and died to keep America free and strong.
The Tea Party has put on a disgusting display and it should be driven out of our national life, never to be allowed to re-enter. One could almost say the same for the Democrats and Republicans.
We do not need fools to tell us how to manage our future. We need wise men and women who are willing to find a way forward, together, and without destroying all that our great country stand for.

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