Monday, August 30, 2010

Shame on you, Sarah

The Lincoln Memorial is sacred ground for a lot of Americans, and especially for Republicans who have a special reverence for the man who sits there looking down at us from his wise eyes. Mr. Linclon freed the slaves and we are all grateful to him for making it possible for America to become the land of the free in reality as well as in word.
But, last Saturday, a shocking misuse of Abraham Lincoln and his Memorial occurred.
Sarah Palin and Glen Beck used the Lincoln Memorial to rant at our President from the vantage point of the man who saved our country from division and slavery. Now, I disagree with Mr. Obama's policies just as broadly as they do, but there are times and places for disagreement and the Lincoln Memorial is not one of them. And I have been a Republican for longer then they have been alive, so no litmus test is necessary for me.
If Palin and Beck could see the images they created all over the world, and the stark comparison of Martin Luther King pleading for equality spliced into their modern day tirades, they should be ashamed. I saw the images and heard the commentary in Europe and it made me feel sad at heart to see the damage they are doing to our country.
For freedom's sake, Republicans, come to your senses and see them for what they are - demigods who would take away any freedom if it helped them achieve political power.
We can beat the Democrats in November by telling the truth about their ill-advised programs and financial mess.  We don't need Sarah Palin and Glen Beck to show us the way. They only make it harder for Americans to agree with us and support our candidates. 
Send your thoughts, please, and help us bring America back to her real roots. Casey Pops

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